About Us


Melvin is Professor of Law at Faulkner University’s Jones School of Law, where he teaches criminal law and procedure courses, and an adjunct professor in the University’s College of Biblical Studies. He preaches for the Perry Hill Road church of Christ in Montgomery, AL, and serves as a board member for Lads 2 Leaders and Heritage Christian University. Melvin, who formerly worked as a trial lawyer for the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice, has obtained degrees from St. Louis University (BSBA), Amridge University (BS; M.Div.), and Howard University School of Law (JD). He is currently a PhD student in Faulkner's Kearley Graduate School of Theology.

Jania is a native of Clovis, California. She holds a B.A. degree in Political Science and a Juris Doctor degree from Howard University. She is admitted to practice law in Maryland and D.C. Jania has authored a vegan cookbook, published articles in The Gospel Journal, and co-authored women's devotional books published by Freed-Hardeman University. Jania devotes most of her time to educating and shaping the hearts of her sons, being a wife, working in the church, and serving as the Founder and CEO of Kids & Culture, an education enrichment company for children. She also speaks nationally and internationally to ladies church groups regarding spiritual matters, homeschooling, and cultural education. Her biggest accomplishment in life has been introducing the gospel to her husband.

Caleb is a junior honor student majoring in Computer Science and Biblical Studies at Faulkner University. He is involved in several clubs and works as a peer tutor. Caleb enjoys writing, particularly regarding technology and the humanities, playing in the University band, teaching Bible studies, and competing in esports.

Christian is a high school junior and currently dual-enrolled at Faulkner University. He is a member of the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA). Christian enjoys debating and public speaking. Additionally, he is a yearly participant in Lads 2 Leaders and a member of the National Beta Club. His goal for 2024 is to qualify for the national NCFCA debate tournament.