What a profound and undeserved privilege it is to minister to the Word of God and invest in others on Jesus's behalf! What joy is ours when we see people growing and developing and being the salt of the earth and the light of world. God is so good! He doesn't need any of us, but He uses us in this special way, and I am eternally thankful for that, as I know you are.
These things being said, another aspect of our work has been on my heart in recent weeks because of what I know some of my preaching brethren have endured of late. Most members, including many elders, simply have no clue what we give.... And, how could they? They have never invested themselves the way we have, and we are too humble to tell them about the years of long nights in study and prayer; the tears shed for the trials and pains of faithful members and the endangered souls of the unfaithful ones; the criticisms and lack of understanding following a long week of intense preparation that culminates in 30-40 minutes of passionate pleading on God's behalf; the neglect of our families and our own health while we tend to their families and see after their well-being; the isolation that comes with always being out front (even when others are supposed to be there), ever feeding others and rarely ever being fed ourselves; the disappointment that comes when we finally ask for a little help and few, if any, are willing to come alongside and offer even temporary relief; contending for the faith with false teachers and even false brethren, while being cut down by the members we tirelessly serve in Jesus's name for not being willing to compromise basic truths the Book teaches regarding holy living.... They don't know, brethren. That's why we are sometimes mistreated. That's why we aren't always appreciated by the ones who should probably appreciate us most. But Jesus knows, and He fully appreciates all that we do in His name. Be encouraged, brethren, for He is the One who matters in the end.
I pray for preachers daily, and I try to make it my business to check on and encourage preachers daily. Preacher, if I can ever help you in your work in any way, it would be my great honor to do so. I know I'm not the only one, but I will always be a resource for you, as limited as I am. I am persuaded that this is why God allows me to wake up each day. We are but offerings being poured out on the altar before Jehovah. May our lives of sacrifice be a sweet smelling aroma before Him. I love you.
Elders and members, if I may have your attention for a brief moment. On your preacher's behalf, I ask you to please remember that preachers and their families need love, encouragement, support, respect and protection too. Please don't treat the Lord's servant like your hireling. He loves you and serves you because he loves God and serves Jesus (see 2 Cor 4:5). He won't tell you, but I am telling you for him that it hurts him deeply when you treat him this way, and it crushes his family when they see it. Do your best to love your preacher for his work's sake, if nothing else.

I will be aware of these statements and not be neglectful of my Evangelist and his family. Thank you.
I love you big bro. Keep letting “FATHER” use you.🙏🏾
TRUISM…3Jo 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
Thank you Melvin for a very positive and encouraging word. The Lord is using you!
Great and needed comments. THANK YOU for your encouragement.